Becoming Catholic
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA):
Prepares adults to join the Catholic Church who are not yet baptized, were baptized in another denomination, as well as those baptized as Catholics but did not yet receive First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
Please email us at for more information.
Becoming Catholic—Order of Christian Initiation
Whether you want to ask more questions about the Catholic Church or are ready to be received into the fullness of the Faith, we are here to help you explore Catholicism. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program starts this Oct. 7 at 7p.m. and meets weekly on Mondays. Questions? Contact Fr. Jeremy or Judy Tacyn at
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
The first step in the Becoming Catholic process is usually either Alpha or OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), which are places to explore faith and experience community. It is informal – you can come once or come every week.
Who should come? Anyone! It is for:
Seekers curious about God, Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, or the next step in their faith journey
Starters beginning a relationship with Jesus
Explorers interested in living out their relationship with Jesus in the Catholic Church
Each week we discuss a topic using a short passage from the Bible and our own life experience. OCIA meets on Monday evenings, and Alpha meets on Wednesday evenings. We share refreshments, social time, and relaxed discussion of some aspect of our Faith.
Please contact our OCIA team by emailing
Who is this Process For?
Becoming Catholic (formally known as OCIA, which stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process used to prepare adults to enter the Catholic Church. It aims to support:
those who are not baptized
those who were baptized Catholic as infants, but who have not celebrated the sacraments of First Holy Eucharist or Confirmation
Baptized Christians of another denomination with little church background who wish to become Catholic
It is a process of discernment, meaning that if you begin the process and discover that you are unable or no longer interested in continuing, you are not obligated to finish.
OCIA meets on Monday evenings from 7 – 8:30p.m. in the Gathering Space Meeting Room. As part of the process, we also attend occasional Sunday Masses together.
Choosing Catholicism
Phase One – Inquiry
The initial phase of becoming Catholic is a time when adults can come to know Jesus better by asking questions about faith, reviewing the basic story of Jesus’ life, and learning why that matters to each of us.
Phase Two – Teaching
After a person decides he or she is interested in Catholicism, formal teaching begins. This phase is known as the catechumenate, because people who are preparing for Baptism are called catechumens.
Phase Three – Preparation
This phase helps adults who have decided to enter the Catholic Church and receive sacraments prepare to receive those sacraments. This time of prayer and reflection is known as the period of purification and enlightenment.
Phase Four – Reflection
After the person has received sacraments, they further reflect on the mysteries of faith. This phase helps people integrate what they learned beforehand with their lived experience. This phase is known as mystagogy, which refers to reflection on the mysteries.