“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.”
Baptism for Children
The steps involved include:
• First, email baptism@stjohnsp.org to receive information.
• Attend the Baptismal Preparation Class if you have not attended it in the past two years or attended the class at another parish.
• Select Godparents and provide documentation that they are eligible to serve.
• Arrange a date for the baptism.
Canon Law allows for two Godparents of record - one female and one male.
Catholics serving as Godparents must:
• Be mature enough to undertake this responsibility.
• Have received the three sacraments of initiation, namely Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
• Be at least 16 years old (or have the pastor's permission).
• Know the fundamentals of the faith and be a practicing Catholic who goes to Mass on Sunday.
• Be canonically free to carry out the office (e.g., if married, married in the Catholic church).
• Not be parents of the child.
A baptized, practicing Christian of another denomination can serve in place of one of the Catholic Godparents, provided there is a Catholic Godparent. However, a non-confirmed or non-practicing Catholic cannot serve as the second Godparent, even if there is a confirmed, practicing Catholic Godparent.
Being a Godparent is not just an honor given to a good friend or relative. Being a Godparent requires a real appreciation and personal practice of the faith, as well as a sense of responsibility toward the person being baptized. Therefore, one should not ask a relative to be a Godparent simply because he or she is a relative. A good rule of thumb in selecting Godparents is to ask if they would be a good coach to help your child become a disciple of Jesus and a faithful Catholic.
It is our policy that each Catholic Godparent provide a certification of eligibility. This verification can be obtained from his or her CURRENT parish office and should be turned in to St. John at least two weeks prior to the baptism. To obtain one, have the Godparent call his/her Church office, explain that he/she has been asked to be a Godparent and ask for some kind of statement that he/she is eligible to serve as a Godparent. Many parishes have forms specifically for this, occasionally a parish writes a letter. Whatever they normally do is acceptable to us.
Baptisms are scheduled on Saturdays at noon. We hold a communal Baptism ceremony on most weekends. These services include just the Baptism and does not include a full Mass or fulfill your weekly Sunday Mass obligation.
Although it is ideal to have your child baptized at your home parish, we understand that there may be circumstances in which it would be more convenient for a relative if the baptism were here at St. John. We ask that you go through the baptismal preparation process at your home church and get a letter from them giving our parish permission to perform the baptism.
Baptism for Adults
For adults who have not received the Sacrament of Baptism but would be interested in doing so, please email OCIA@stjohnsp.org for more information. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) prepares adults to join the Catholic Church who may not be baptized or were baptized in another denomination as well as prepares those baptized as Catholics but who have never received First Communion, Reconciliation, or Confirmation.
If you have questions that were not addressed above, please contact Faith Formation at 410-647-4892 or by email.