Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound
We regularly visit and bring Holy Communion to those who are physically unable to go to church and those who are in hospitals and nursing homes. By bringing the Eucharist and spending a few minutes with them, we let them know that God is with them when they are sick or disabled.
If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass and wish to receive Holy Communion (or if you are caring for someone who is sick or homebound), please call the Parish Office at 410-647-4884 to make arrangements for visits.
Our Sick and Homebound ministry is looking for extraordinary ministers to bring communion to the homebound in our community. Please consider serving at one of the many facilities we serve, making home or hospital visits on a rotating basis. We are so excited to be able to return to bring the Eucharist to the homebound, and we need you to make it possible. If you’re interested in hearing more, please email communitylife@stjohnsp.org.