Pregnancy Care
Respect Life Resources & Emergency Numbers
Pregnant, Need Help?
Call the Gabriel Network at 1-800-ANGEL-OK
Suffering Post Abortion Stress? Call Project Rachel Baltimore. If you are interested in attending a retreat or would like to speak with a peer minister, a priest or counselor, please contact us:
projectrachel@archbalt.org or
410-625-8491 (call) or
410-299-9345 (text only)
If you are miscarrying or have experienced a miscarriage and would like:
Advice about what to do next
To schedule a home visit
Information about burial and memorial options
Spiritual and emotional support…
Please contact our helpline at 410-547-3142 or email us at holyinnocents@archbalt.org.
End of Life issues? Need advice? Contact the National Catholic Bioethics Center or call 215-877-2660.
Support for anyone dealing with a severe or fatal prenatal diagnosis, contact Isaiah’s Promise at info@isaiahspromise.net.
Natural Fertility Care Contact Creighton Model Fertility Care