Welcome to St. John the Evangelist. We are glad you’re here.
It’s our pleasure to welcome you to St. John the Evangelist Church! We’re glad that you’re here! Our community’s purpose is to form disciples of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out the Gospel. We are a Roman Catholic parish that strives to be a strong presence of God’s love to our local community, ready to welcome those who are not regular churchgoers, may have wandered away from the practice of their faith, may be interested in exploring questions about God and life, as well as those already living a Christian life.
Ready to take the next step and join our Christ-centered community. Please complete the New Parishioner Registration form and turn it in to the Parish Center.
Schedules & Directions
We would love to see you at any one of our weekend and weekday Masses.
Sunday Masses
5:15p.m.Daily Mass
Monday—Saturday 8:30a.m.*
We have added a 6:30a.m. Daily Mass to our schedule for Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning Sept. 4, 2024, until further notice.
* denotes livestreamConfessions
Saturday — 3:30—5p.m.
Wednesday — 6—7p.m.
Friday — 4:30 —6p.m.
First Friday of the Month — 9—10a.m. -
Come As You Are
Whether you are a regular worshipper, haven’t been to church for some time, or would like to check things out, know that you are most welcome. Folks typically dress anywhere from “Sunday best” to casual attire. Children are most welcome at St. John! If you have questions, or we can be of assistance in any way, please ask an usher, or stop by or call the Parish Center.