Events at St. John the Evangelist

Ledo Pizza Fundraiser for Catholic Daughters
Join us at Ledo Pizza anytime to enjoy delicious food and Catholic Daughters will receive 20%. Dine in, carryout or online (use code: fundraiser). Just remember to tell your server or cashier that St. John’s Catholic Daughters sent you.

Maryland March for Life
Join St. John’s parishioners and others throughout the state for this annual March to stand up for the sanctity of life and against the threats of life, particularly those of physician-assisted-suicide and abortion, which is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy here in Maryland.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

Replica Shroud of Turin Display and Discussion
Join us for a moving presentation by Bill Wingard, a renowned Shroud of Turin expert and founder of “Shroud Talks.” A replica of the shroud will be displayed.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

April Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Baby Shower for Mary's Center
Catholic Daughters at St. John’s will be collecting for a “Baby Shower” to benefit Mary’s Center. Click here for a list of the items in greatest need.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

Palm Sunday
Normal Mass times for Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 12, 5:15p.m.
Sunday, April 13, 7:30a.m., 9a.m., 11a.m., 5:15p.m.

Holy Thursday Morning Prayer
Holy Thursday Morning Prayer (Daily Mass is not celebrated on Holy Thursday.)

Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Eucharistic Procession in the PAC.

Good Friday Morning Prayer
Good Friday Morning Prayer. Daily Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday.

Living Stations of the Cross
Join us Good Friday for Living Stations. If you would like to participate, please contact Jeannette Middleton-Sudano at jeanette.middleton@comcast.net.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

Service of the Lord's Passion
Service of the Lord’s Passion and Veneration of the Cross, 3p.m. in the PAC.

Holy Saturday Morning Prayer
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer. Daily Mass is not celebrated

Children's Easter Egg Hunt
Bring your basket, invite your friends & neighbors.
Open to children 10 and under.
Special appearance by the Easter Bunny!

Blessing of Easter Food
The blessing of Easter food baskets is an Eastern European tradition dating back to at least the 15th century. Food blessed on Holy Saturday is shared with family on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday Masses
7a.m. Easter Mass in the Parish Activities Center
9a.m. Easter Mass at Severna Park High School with Bishop Adam J. Parker
9a.m. Easter Mass in the Parish Activities Center*
11a.m. Easter Mass at Severna Park High School
11a.m. Easter Mass in the Parish Activities Center
*Event will be livestreamed

May Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Transitional Diaconate Ordination Celebration
Join us in celebrating the ordination of Rev. Mr. Stephen Kirby and Rev. Mr. Russ Sullivan to transitional deacons. Dcn. Stephen will deliver his first homily on May 4, 11a.m. A joint reception in the school auditorium immediately following the 11a.m. Mass. All are welcome.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

June Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

July Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

August Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

September Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

October Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Blessing of the Animals
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Bring your fury, feathered or scale-covered friends to St. John the Evangelist for a Blessing of the Animals.

November Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

December Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

Lenten Evening of Worship
Join us Friday, March 21, following Stations of the Cross for our monthly Evening of Worship beginning at 7:40p.m. In the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, we have the opportunity to draw near to Jesus in prayer, praise and worship. All are welcome.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the PAC.

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

Spring Forward!
Don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour Sunday morning and replace your smoke detector batteries!

Mental Health Awareness Ministry Meeting
The Mental Health Awareness Ministry invites you and your loved ones who live with the challenge of a mental illness, and/or your caregiver to their St. Dymphna Prayer Group, where individuals feel safe, supported and are filled with a sense of belonging.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 12noon and 7p.m. in the church.

Ash Wednesday
6:30a.m. Mass with Ash Distribution
8:30a.m. Mass with Ash Distribution*
11:45a.m. Prayer Service with Ash Distribution
12:30p.m. Prayer Service with Ash Distribution
5p.m. Mass with Ash Distribution
7p.m. Mass with Ash Distribution

That Man is You
Develop true and lasting friendships with your Catholic brothers. We now have two programs to choose from.

March Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

That Man is You
Develop true and lasting friendships with your Catholic brothers. We now have two programs to choose from.

Parish Prayer for Direction & Inspiration
Join Fr. Erik as we pray for the Lord’s direction and inspiration for how we can best assist our parents and families.

Lent With Purpose
Come prepare your heart to enter more deeply into the Season of Lent at this special Walking with Purpose sponsored event on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 7p.m. in the Parish Activities Center. ALL women are welcome. Fr. John Bilenki will be our speaker.

Parish Prayer for Direction & Inspiration
Join Fr. Erik as we pray for the Lord’s direction and inspiration for how we can best assist our parents and families.

Eucharistic Healing Service
Join us for a Eucharistic Healing Service with Adoration, praise and worship, and prayer teams available to pray with those seeking healing from the Lord Jesus.

Spirit Night Fundraiser for SJES
No need to cook on Thursday, Feb. 20 – join your friends and family at JBs for our Spirit Night Fundraiser to benefit our school.

Presidents Day - All Offices Closed
Happy President’s Day!
Monday, Feb. 17
All parish and school offices will be closed.
Mass will be celebrated at 8:30a.m.

Life Teen Mercy Night
High school teens, please join us for our Mercy Night, Sunday, Feb. 16 from 6 - 8p.m. starting in the school auditorium. We will have a reflection, Adoration, and confessions available

Day of Recollection
The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy are pleased to welcome Mother Superior, Sister Donata, of Our Lady of Mercy Sisters, presently in Washington, D.C., at the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II, to offer a half day of recollection at St. John the Evangelist Parish

Fellowship & Children's Homily Sunday
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.

Marriage Enrichment Series
Couples of St. John, join us on Friday, Feb. 7, from 7—9p.m. in the Parish Activities Center as we continue this year’s Marriage Enrichment Series and learn effective ways to pray as a married couple.
The night will include praise and worship in front of the Blessed Sacrament and a short talk by parishioners Mark and Susan Oursler about intercessory prayer with a special emphasis on praying for our children.

Moms and Tots Group (Copy)
All St. John the Evangelist parish moms and their children, 6 years old and younger, are invited to join us for an hour of fellowship and playtime.

Senior Bible Study
Would you like to better understand the meaning of the Scripture readings in the Sunday Mass? The St. John Senior Bible Study and Faith-Sharing Group meets every other Tuesday morning from September through May. Participation is open to anyone 50 years of age or older.

Sisterhood of the Blessed Mother Blanket Drive
Sisterhood of the Blessed Mother Blanket Drive - The Sisterhood of the Blessed Mother is collecting for their Annual “NEW” Blanket drive, “WRAP IT UP!” Please consider donating a blanket.

Candlemas Day
Today, we will bless candles for liturgical and personal use at all our Sunday Masses. You are invited to bring with you to Mass any candles that you would like blessed for your prayer at home.

February Wedding Anniversary Blessing
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.

National March for Life
The Knights of Columbus and the Respect Life Ministry are providing a bus to the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 24.