Men’s Ministries
That Man is You (TMIY)
The That Man Is You men’s group helps men develop authentic masculinity, and transform themselves, their families and the society. Share the ups and downs of life with your Catholic brothers and develop true friendships. Overthrow the power of sin and discover the joy of living with the Kingdom of God in your heart. Inspire others and be inspired to be the husband and father you are made to be.
We are offering two programs:
Program 1 - Apostles of the New Springtime.
Saturdays 6:45—8:30a.m. in the Gathering Space Meeting Room.
tmiysaintjohnssevernapark@gmail.com.Program 2 - Becoming a Man After God's Own Heart
Mondays 8—9:15a.m. in the Gathering Space Meeting Room.
tmiysje@gmail.com.There is no charge, so come visit, or welcome back if you’ve been away. For more information, email us at tmiy@stjohnsp.org.
St. Thomas Aquinas Group
We meet on Saturday mornings from 7-8:30a.m. in the Parish Center to discuss the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas (particularly the Summa Theologica) while enjoying fellowship, coffee, donuts and lively discussion. For more information, please contact Bob Svehlak at bobsvehlak@gmail.com.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council #3413 is a service organization that supports our surrounding area, especially the community of St. John the Evangelist. We facilitate events such as Blood Drives, Life Line Screenings, Fellowship Sundays, bus transportation to March for Life, and special events for the intellectually challenged. We run fundraisers such as dinner dances, crab feasts, flea markets, Christmas card sales, and weekly Bingo to raise money for charity. Please contact Grand Knight Brad Zell at brad.zell@tamglade.com.
Beer and Barron
Beer and Barron is for Catholic or non-Catholic men who are interested in Christian camaraderie. The group includes men from St. Andrew by the Bay and St. John the Evangelist, but all men are welcome. Men informally hang out with other Catholic men, drink beer (or other beverage of your choice), eat tasty snacks, watch a video by the very popular Bishop Barron, and talk about things that are important to Catholic men.
We meet 7:30-9:30p.m. every other Thursday, in our homes, alternating between St. Andrew by the Bay and St. John the Evangelist parishioners. We provide an alternative perspective to our suburban environment that fosters isolation, detachment, narcissism, privatized religion and “practical atheism” – a sad contrast, we think, to the jovial community and camaraderie, fearless orthodoxy, and vivid faith of Christian friendship.
We invite you to drop in and check us out. Once is better than none. If you are curious or interested, call Paul at 410-562-3495, or Tim at 918-845-8540, for the date and location of the next meeting.