We Welcome Your Children
Jesus loves children and so do we! We want your kids to feel at home at St. John the Evangelist to learn about Jesus in creative, relevant, and age-appropriate ways.
Children’s Ministry Faith Formation
The greatest gift a parent can give their children is to introduce them to a living relationship with God in Jesus Christ. At St. John the Evangelist, we envision faith formation as a partnership between the parish and the parents whose children we strive to serve. Put another way, we are here to help kids and their families come to know Jesus as a friend, and through that friendship develop a desire to love and serve God, each other, and the Church.
Middle School Faith Formation
Middle School Faith Formation is open for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth in our parish. Sessions are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6—7:30p.m. The program follows a Youth Ministry model that incorporates social time and games, as well as talks, prayer activities and occasional small group discussions. Our goal is to help them grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, while being supported by a community of their peers. Contact Monique Gill at mgill@stjohnsp.org for more information.
St. John the Evangelist School
St. John the Evangelist School is a Roman Catholic Preschool through Grade 8 parish school under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. In a community of faith and with the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, our faculty and staff work together to develop each child to the best of his and her ability, spiritually, academically, artistically, socially, and physically in a nurturing environment that promotes living faith, academic excellence, leadership, and service within the Church community and society.
Sunday Childcare (1-4)
Childcare is available during the Sunday 9 and 11a.m. Masses. Children ages 1 to 4 are invited to come and play while their family is at Mass. Childcare is located in the Good Shepherd Room, located on the right side of the Gathering Space as you enter the church. Please do not bring snacks. Leave your cell phone number at drop off and keep your phones on silent or vibrate while you are at Mass in case of emergency.
If you or any family member would like to volunteer to serve at the childcare during one or both Masses, please contact Ruth Gorski at rgorski@stjohnsp.orgfor details. All volunteers must be VIRTUS certified.
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Most Sundays during the school year we offer for ages 4—7 Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9:00a.m. and 11a.m. Masses except when a Family Mass is scheduled. After the Opening Prayer, children aged 4-8 will be offered the opportunity to be dismissed to "break open the Word of God" in the Gathering Space Meeting Room in a format that is age-appropriate. The children return to church for the Liturgy of the Eucharist with their families. We ask that families of children under the age of 4 take advantage of our childcare option and not send toddlers to Children's Liturgy of the Word.
We are looking for adult volunteers to lead and help with the program each week. If you are interested and have completed the VIRTUS training, please contact Ruth Gorski at rgorski@stjohnsp.org.
Special Religious Education for Kids(SPRED)
Children and young people who have special needs or challenges are invited to participate in faith formation. Our program is designed according to the needs of the participating youngsters. Please call the Office of Faith Formation for additional information at 410-647-4892.
Vacation Bible School
Please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 410-647-4892 with any questions.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist at the celebration liturgy on Sundays, weekdays, major feasts, funerals, and weddings. Boys and girls from fifth grade through high school are eligible for this ministry. New server training takes place each summer. Click here to view the St. John Altar Server Manual. Contact: Helen Kirby at hkirby@stjohnsp.org for more information.
Boy Scouts
BSA Troop 450
Troop 450 was founded in 1962, located in Severna Park, Maryland with weekly meetings at our chartering organization St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church. The troop celebrated 60 years in 2022.
We are a scout-led outdoor-oriented troop enjoying monthly camping excursions such as hiking, swimming, fishing, canoeing, caving, zip lining, as well as conducting service-related projects such as picking vegetables and fruit for First Fruit Farms to feed the hungry, wreath removal at the Navy Academy, and supporting the Chesapeake Bay Foundation with oyster projects.
The troop is responsible for the annual assembly and removal of the St. John’s Nativity scene.
Additional information about our troop activities and points of contact may be found at our Troop Website or email Jake Miller at jake@denjak.com.
Cub Scout Pack 450
Based out of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and School. Our Cub Pack primarily consists of kindergarten—fifth grade boys from St. John’s School, but we heartily welcome anyone in the greater Severna Park community who wants their son to grow up learning the Scouting Ideals.
For more information, contact Carl Neimeyer at carljn@gmail.com.
American Heritage Girls (Ages 5 - 18)
St. John’s is pleased to announce a faith-based character development program for girls ages 5 to 18, dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country called American Heritage Girls (AHG). AHG is for families with daughters who are seeking a faith-based, scout-type experience. With programming that puts an emphasis on faith, service, and fun, girls choose from more than 240 badges, participate in service projects, and are challenged by leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences. Troops are led by adult volunteers who facilitate the AHG Program while encouraging girl leadership. For questions please contact Troop Coordinator Jeanette Sudano at jeanette.middleton@comcast.net.
Leadership Training Program (ages 6 - 18)
The Leadership Training Program (LTP) is a five-week peer mentorship program in the fall and spring on Fridays from 4:30 - 6p.m. for kids in grades 1 - 8. LTP is created by Regnum Christi and run by volunteers to equip youth with the tools to integrate leadership skills with a Christian worldview to make a positive impact on society. The mission of the Leadership Training Program is to inspire, guide, and form youth to become strong leaders through the example of Jesus Christ. High School leaders can volunteer to assist. Please contact Lydia Knox at lydknox@reagan.com for details or visit www.ltpdc.com.
BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry for teen/tween girls. It was created to counteract the way our society drives girls to question their identity, worth and beauty. Through BLAZE, we emphasize how a girl's identity is rooted in Christ as God's chosen, beloved daughter. An antidote to bullying, anxiety and body image issues, BLAZE replaces lies with truth and strengthens girls from the inside out through the use of Scripture-based programs.
• 20 lessons
• Each week, participants are led through an ice breaker activity and short lesson based on a lie found in the world and a truth found in Scripture.
• The girls leave with a small take-home gift corresponding with the lesson every month.As the girls are introduced to the Bible in relevant and fresh ways, they will hear Jesus telling them how loved and beautiful they are! Be sure to check out IGNITE for boys. To register, please email bistjohnsp@gmail.com for more information. You can also learn more by visiting bistjohnsp.weebly.com.
IGNITE, is a Beta test program for tween/teen boys that compliments the girl's BLAZE program.
In IGNITE, boys will forge a Christ-centered brotherhood that will strengthen them on their faith journey. The adventure of growing into a young man is like climbing a mountain. There is beauty, challenge, and wonder. There are moments where new pathways need to be forged and terrain where a guide is needed. This adventure is made better when surrounded by a brotherhood that seeks to reach the same summit.
IGNITE will provide a basecamp for engaging the world in hopes of transforming and claiming it for Christ. IGNITE consists of activity-based lessons that affirm the gifts of manhood through biblical truths, Church teaching, and prayer.
• BRAND NEW* 20 lesson Pilot Program that is similar to BLAZE but written for boys
• Each week, participants are led through an ice breaker activity and short lesson based on a lie found in the world and a truth found in Scripture.
• The boys leave with a small take-home gift corresponding with the lesson every month.IGNITE content combined with the community built around this group creates the context for discipleship to form and grow. To register, please email bistjohnsp@gmail.com for more information. You can also learn more by visiting bistjohnsp.weebly.com.