Before You Serve
Virtus Volunteering (18+)
For All Adult Volunteers
Worthy of the Call
Child and Youth Protection Training for teens
Serve Others
“…as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Members follow Christ through service to those in need and bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love.
Proceeds from the Poor Box support the many activities of the Society.
On Sundays nonperishable food items are collected for the food pantry. The Society meets the third Wednesday of each month. Members staff the office on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10a.m.—1p.m. and Mondays 5-7p.m. (except holidays) distributing food, funding, and other help to our neighbors in need. The Society coordinates the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas food basket distribution and Christmas Giving Tree, providing gifts to children who would not experience the love and excitement of the birth of Jesus. They also oversee donations to other charitable organizations. Please contact Cindy Halloran at 443-261-0109 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Vegetable Garden
The St. Vincent de Paul Garden allows parishioners to grow fresh vegetables for members of the community seeking food assistance from our food pantry. Volunteers are needed to tend the garden and harvest the veggies. Please contact Donna Boyko at the Parish Office at 410-647-4884.
Ministry to Sick and Homebound
Christ has called us all to be people of faith and share by works of mercy. Do you wish to feel as if you are faithful to this call? Well, you can, and there is no time like the present to think about a ministry to help the Sick and Homebound. You are invited to take up the challenge by being one of Christ’s ministers to be a visitor and bring Holy Communion to our sick and homebound.
What greater joy and honor can there be in bringing God to someone who is physically unable to go to church and receive the Eucharist? Many of our Catholic brethren are in hospitals and nursing homes and need a spiritual uplifting. Some of these individuals have no one to visit them. Bringing the Eucharist to them makes all the difference in the world by letting them know that God is with them when they are sick or disabled.
Visiting a nursing home or assisted living facility – 2-hour commitment; Wednesday, Thursday or Friday mornings.
Visiting Baltimore Washington Medical Center – 2-hour commitment once or twice a month; Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings.
Home Visitor – 1 to 2-hour commitment; about once per week.
If you are called to the Sick and Homebound ministry, please email Fr. Maurice Afor at mafor@stjohnsp.org for more information.
Jamaica Outreach
In 2007, we adopted two sister parishes in the diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica – St. Philomena and St. Margaret Mary. In addition to sending resources, we have committed to praying for these parishes. In the fall, we send a group of parishioners to Jamaica to grow in our relationship with the people of the parishes, as well as build a home for a needy family and assist with maintenance projects at the school and church of St. Philomena. For more information, email us at outreach.jamaica@gmail.com.
Our Daily Bread
This ministry is a parish-wide service program made up of volunteers who meet the needs of a community beyond the parish borders of St. John. Twice monthly, volunteers serve at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, located at 725 Fallsway in Baltimore City. The primary role of this volunteer service is to prepare and serve lunch to the needy at the Center between 9a.m. – 1p.m. Generally, parishioners serve on the second Wednesday of the month and the last Saturday.
**Unfortunately, this ministry is currently inactive because of COVID, but individuals are welcome to call Jasmine Jones at the main volunteer office at 667-600-3438 to volunteer on an individual basis.
Casseroles for Our Daily Bread & My Sister’s Place
Please consider sharing your blessings with those less fortunate by baking a casserole or two for Our Daily Bread & My Sister’s Place. Keep in mind that each casserole you make will feed 10 hungry people! Thank you for your compassion and continued support. Baked and frozen casseroles are due back on the last Sunday of the month. Please contact Mike Walsh at 410-703-3132 for drop off instructions or casserole pans.
Winter Relief
St. John the Evangelist, in partnership with St. Andrew by the Bay, hosts approximately 40 homeless people for one week each winter by providing a warm place to sleep, hot meals, and companionship and entertainment.
Winter Relief will be held this year, 2024, at St. Andrew by the Bay. If you would like to volunteer please contact the St. Andrew by the Bay parish office at 410-974-4366 or
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion.
March for Life
The mission of the March for Life is to provide all Americans with a place to testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each human person.