Women’s Ministries
Walking with Purpose
WWP Bible studies combine personal study with small group discussion, linking our everyday challenges to the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. If you desire to grow in your faith—in a supportive community of Catholic women—Walking with Purpose is for you!
Walking with Purpose is active in hundreds of parishes in the U.S., and has helped women of all ages deepen their relationship with Christ.
• 91% report that their prayer life has improved
• 94% say their relationship with Christ is stronger
• 97% would recommend WWP to a friendFor more information about WWP or to REGISTER, go to the St. John WWP website here.
Sessions start Oct. 2, 2024 - May 14, 2025
Wednesdays 9:30a.m. | 1p.m. | 7p.m.
Join anytime! We have a seat waiting for you!
Courses Offered:
• Course 1 - Opening Your Heart (The Starting Point)
• Course 2 – Grounded in Hope (Study of the Letter to the Hebrews)
Click here to find out more about the WWP courses offered for 2024-2025.
Find WWP at St. John on Social Media:
Email: wwpstjohnsp@gmail.com
Facebook: wwpstjohn
Instagram: walkingwithpurposesje
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Organized under one of the largest and oldest organizations of Catholic women in the world, CDA Court St. John the Evangelist #2350 invites you to join us for spirituality and service. We meet the third Saturday of the month to share our love of God and love of neighbor, under the patronage of the Blessed Mother. The heart of our mission is the Circle of Love and the spokes are: Education, Family, Leadership, Legislation, Quality of Life, Spiritual Enhancement, and Youth/JCDA. Catholic women, 18 years of age or older, who love and support the Church and wish to participate in social and charitable activities are welcome.
Parishioners from nearby parishes are welcome.
Activities have included:
Scholarship opportunities for members’ children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces;
Provided a meal for Winter Relief guests and volunteers;
Collected clothing and other baby items for Mary’s Center;
Visited the Saint John Paul II National Shrine;
Donated a canopy to St. John for use at Corpus Christi and other events;
Provided a tuition grant to a child at St. John the Evangelist School;
Helped host an informational meeting on a physician assisted suicide bill;
Visited the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton;
Sponsored an educational contest;
Hosted a retreat at the Shrine of St. Anthony;
Contributed to national, state and local projects and charities;
For more information, please contact Rosanna Farley at 202-345-6668 or rosannafarley@hotmail.com.
Sisterhood of the Blessed Mother
We are an informal group of women who revere the Blessed Mother. We pray the rosary at every meeting and try to find ways to help others grow closer to Mother Mary through prayer and acts of kindness, especially helping those in need. Women of all ages and of all Christian denominations are welcome to join our group. Typically, we meet monthly, usually on a Saturday morning from 10a.m. to noon. Contact Paula Care at paulacare@comcast.net for more information.