

  • ChristLife


    Discover the meaning of your life and how Jesus wants to be an integral part of it. Through the ChristLife journey, doors will open to the beautiful and joyful life of being a Christian disciple. In Discovering Christ, encounter the love of God the Father, enter into or renew a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as God’s children.

    Once you have encountered this personal love of Jesus, you will hunger to dive deeper into this new relationship. Following Christ will provide the tools to help live this new abundant life of discipleship and grow in your knowledge of Christ and his love for you.

    Having experienced such Good News, it is hard to contain the joy that it brings. Sharing Christ will equip you to spread this Good News to others and truly live out Christ’s call to be missionary disciples.

    Discovering Christ for parents of school-aged children begins September 2024. Parish-wide sessions begin January 2025. For more information, please contact Debbie Rickert at

  • Reach More

    Through 12-week training sessions, the overarching goal of Reach More by Evangelical Catholic is to drive a movement of evangelization by developing a growing community of lay missionary disciples committed to:

    1. PRAYER: Deep, frequent, and vulnerable prayer—both individually and communally—that fosters intimacy with God and reliance upon him in all things

    2. DISCIPLESHIP: A lifetime pursuit of Jesus, growing in habits and attitudes that foster holiness

    3. COMMUNITY: Mutual sharing of life, faith, and encouragement with other believers

    4. EVANGELIZATION: Sharing the good news of God’s love with others, in both word and action

    When a community of disciples, centered on Jesus, dives deeply into prayer, discipleship, community, and evangelization together, the Holy Spirit moves more freely, and lives are changed for the greater glory of God! Want to learn more? Email Adam Novotny at or Ruth Gorski at

  • Young Adults

    Anne Arundel Catholic Young Adults (AACYA) is a volunteer-run ministry with a mission of forming Christ-centered community for those 18-39 years old in all stages of life from college students, single, married couples, and young parents. Events are sponsored by various parishes in Anne Arundel County.

    Monthly Events include:

    Theology on Tap, First Tuesdays (Sept – May), 7p.m. at The Social (Severna Park)

    Holy Hour with Praise & Worship, Last Thursdays, 7:30p.m. at St. John Neumann Adoration Chapel

    Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays, 7p.m. at St. Mary’s (Annapolis)

    Young Women’s Walking with Purpose, 9:30a.m., Saturdays, Oct.– May.

    Join the community! Contact us about our mailing list for upcoming events, and be added to our women’s/men’s GroupMe chats.


    Instagram: @aacatholicyoungadults


    Young Catholic Professionals – Baltimore Chapter,

  • Special Religious Education (SPRED) for Adults with Special Needs

    St. John the Evangelist offers adults with special needs the opportunity to meet on Tuesday evenings throughout the school year.  Participants come together for prayer, faith sharing, social activities, and fellowship in a Christian environment.

    Please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 410-647-4892, or Nancy Smith at for additional information.

  • Pastoral Council

    The Pastoral Council is a consultative organ in which the faithful, expressing their baptismal responsibility, assist the parish priest, who presides at the council, by offering their advice on pastoral matters.

  • Parish Finance Committee

    More information coming soon

  • School Finance Committee

    More Information coming soon

  • Facility & Safety Committee

    We are committed to providing a safe, comfortable, well maintained campus. We are accepting applications for the St. John the Evangelist Parish and School Facility & Safety Committee. If you have experience or passion in the areas of engineering, architecture, landscape, security and safety, or similar areas, please consider bringing your gifts to the new committee.

    This committee will meet quarterly to provide guidance and support to the Pastor and Director of Operations.

    Use your talents to help maintain our beautiful campus!



