Coming March 2025 to Thursday Evenings!

Following Christ is the next step for all those who have completed the Alpha or Discovering Christ courses at St. John.

Building on what we experienced in the first course, Following Christ will help you grow in your daily relationship with Jesus. These weeks will equip you to live as a Catholic disciple of Jesus based on the disciplines and truths practiced by Christians from the time of the early Church.

Join us for these exciting and transforming weeks!

A Typical Session

Each weekly session includes four components: prayer, video teaching, small group discussion, and practical applications.

1. Prayer and Worship

In Following Christ, we begin each night with prayer as we go deeper into the experience of communal prayer and worship together.

2. Video Teaching

Following Christ provides practical, down-to-earth teaching based on Scripture, Church teaching, and the witness of the speaker’s own journey as a disciple of Christ.

3. Disciple-Making Small Groups

Our weekly small groups provide spiritual encouragement, and accountability and personal sharing builds bonds among us as brothers and sisters in Christ.

4. Weekly Practical Applications

Following Christ helps you develop the lifestyle of a disciple. Weekly practical application steps challenge us to put our faith into action and help us to grow as we live out our faith in daily life.

Themes for the these weeks include these practical life-changing topics:
Daily Personal Prayer, Hearing God in Scripture, The Power of the Sacraments, Forgiving One Another, The Spirit-Empowered Life, and We Are At War.