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There is no better investment in the world than your local parish. It is where people meet Jesus and lives are changed.
When you give to your place of worship as an act of worship, joined with all that you have and all that you are, you are becoming more of the person God wants you to be. When you give, you are tangibly making a difference in someone’s life. Lives are restored and people come to meet Jesus and grow in relationship with him.
Sign up for easy electronic offertory at stjohnsp.onlinegiving.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
No! You can give in person during any weekend mass. No envelopes required – all checks will automatically be noted on your year-end giving statement.
In fact, it costs the parish about $1,000 every month to produce and mail the offertory envelopes to parishioners. That’s almost $12,000 a year that we could use for even better things at the parish. If you’ve already switched to electronic giving but are still receiving the paper envelopes just send an email to church@stjohnsp.org and let us know that you don’t need the paper envelopes any more. We’ll be happy to make the change.
If you haven’t switched to electronic giving yet, we can now post your offertory contributions without an actual offertory envelope. Even just a folded check in the offertory is enough for us to link your gift to your family record and envelope number, so that your gift is recorded the way it should be. If you’d like to give it a try, just email church@stjohnsp.org and let us know that you don’t need the paper envelopes anymore and we’ll make the change.
Thank you! Paper envelopes cost us about $12,000 per year to print and mail to parishioners. If you’ve already switched to electronic giving but are still receiving the paper envelopes just send an email to church@stjohnsp.org and let us know that you don’t need the paper envelopes any more. We’ll be happy to make the change.
Yes! Please follow the instructions above and if you get stuck, don’t worry, we are here to help. Just email church@stjohnsp.org and a staff member will contact you.
Yes, all you need to do is enter a new payment method.
We pay the lowest transaction fees on electronic gifts from checking and savings accounts (rather than credit card). To maximize your gift, we encourage you to set up your online giving from your bank account.
Cash contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be included on your giving statement for that year. Online transactions must be initiated by December 31.
You can donate marketable securities such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds. You can also give other non-cash gifts or include St. John the Evangelist in your estate planning.
Yes. Join our Legacy League by remembering St. John in your will and estate planning. Our corporate title is: St. John the Evangelist, Severna Park, Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc.