Baby Shower for Mary’s Center
Catholic Daughters at St. John’s will be collecting for a “Baby Shower” to benefit Mary’s Center at all the Masses on the weekend of April 5 & 6.
Diapers in sizes 1 through 6 and wipes are always needed.
Priority items are for layettes for new babies:
Sleepers/onesies in sizes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 and 12 months (NO newborn sizes needed);
plastic baby bottles (small and large);
pants, tops, outfits and dresses in sizes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 and 12 months;
receiving or plush blankets (quilts, crocheted/knitted baby afghans);
socks, bibs, towels, and wash cloths; diaper bags;
larger items such as car seats, and pack and plays with the bassinet level.
Toddler items sized 18 months to 6T:
clothing; coats; socks; pjs and/or sleepers.
Please note, we are not able to accept monetary donations at the time of drop off!
Questions? Contact Rosanna Farley at or 202-345-6668. Thank you.