Call For Pentecost Vigil Art

On the evening of Saturday, May 27, St. John the Evangelist will host a beautiful outdoor solemn Pentecost Vigil Mass on Larsen Field. Part of that beauty can include large, decorated 4’x8’ panels placed around the inside fence perimeter and lit by floodlights. These will help direct people’s hearts and minds to God, as do stained glass windows in ancient cathedrals. If you - or a group of friends - would like to participate and design a panel which portrays one of the symbols and actions of the Holy Spirit in Scripture or today, please share your talent! Pick up an informational flyer in the Gathering Space. It includes space for you to sketch your idea(s). Return your sketch by Sunday, April 23. If your sketch is used for the Mass and celebration, we ask that you help draw a larger version so we can attach it to the outdoor panel.

Please contact Kathy Kirby at if you have any questions.

Pentecost Vigil Artwork from 2022.


The Eucharist: Intellectual Retreat Days


Vacation Bible School