Convent Renovation Update

Dear Parishioners,

I am sharing a long-overdue update on our Convent building and the renovation work there. We experienced several delays in the late summer and fall of 2021 that paused the entire project. Thankfully, work is moving forward again, and I am happy to provide this update to you below, answering the most common questions you may have about the project. The Project Team, our Parish Finance Committee, and I are ready to answer any additional questions you may have as best we can. Thank you for your support and your love of our parish.


What is the history of this project?
In the fall of 2020, I shared with you that we were exploring a vision for the future usage and re-purposing of several spaces on campus:

·      The Convent building.

·      The Parish Center (which was the original Rectory.)

·      The residential home that currently serves as the rectory.

·      A stand-alone modular school classroom.

Working with a team from the parish, we investigated different options and determined that it would serve the parish well to explore the possibility of:

1)    Renovating the Convent building to serve as the new Parish Center, with staff offices and rooms dedicated to parish meeting space for ministries and programs. The Convent’s larger, more centrally located space would allow the entire parish staff to work together in one building, eliminating duplication of staff and equipment. This frees up the original Rectory and Faith Formation space to serve other purposes (see below.)

2)    Returning the current Parish Center to its original purpose as the on-campus residence (Rectory) for our priests and seminarians.

3)    Selling the residential home currently serving as the rectory and using the proceeds to fund our capital reserve, which is needed to accomplish numerous maintenance and capital projects around campus in the coming years. This also saves the cost of maintaining an additional house and property in the years ahead.

4)    Converting the Faith Formation office space into classroom space for our school, alleviating the need for one of the stand-alone modular classrooms used by the school. The modular space can then serve as additional adult meeting space for its remaining life span.

What was the original timing for these projects?
We began working with the Archdiocese and architect in late fall (2020) and early winter (2021) on the possible renovations to the Convent. We undertook several studies to determine the extent of the upgrades necessary. For example, it was unknown how much asbestos was present and where it was located. Similarly, the existing electrical service needed to be examined to see if it could handle the future power needs for heating/air conditioning and office equipment. These studies, among others, revealed that the Convent would require additional work in the renovation. When combined with COVID and supply chain issues, it became difficult to set a specific completion date.

What is the extent of the work needed?
The scope of work in the Convent includes:

·      Abatement of all asbestos.

·      Upgrade of electrical service to handle office needs and new heating/air conditioning system.

·      Installation of new heating and air conditioning system + removal of original boiler and radiators.

·      Removal/replacement of all original windows and doors.

·      Installation of new lighting, carpeting.

·      Installation of new handicap ramp into Convent.

What is the cost of the Convent renovation?
The cost will be approximately $1.3 - $1.4 million. This is higher than we had initially hoped due to the increased scope of work revealed by the engineering studies and by market conditions in our COVID economy. The Parish Finance Committee has been involved in the project and, as required, has reviewed and authorized the parish to proceed with the project.

Would it be less expensive to build something new?
We asked the architect to study this possibility as part of our due diligence. A similarly sized commercial masonry building would cost over $4 million in the current market.

Considering the cost, can we simply do without the Convent?
We studied this possibility as well. Letting the Convent sit unused would mean an initial savings upfront. Long-term, however, the benefits outlined above (“What is the history of this project?”) outweigh the cost. Additionally, if not maintained, the building would eventually need to be demolished, and the asbestos abated, incurring additional costs at that time.

How will we pay for the renovation work?
The parish received a very generous gift of $500,000 in the fall of 2019, designated for work in the Convent. The parish will pay the remaining cost out of its savings. Thankfully we are financially stable enough not to require a loan for this work.

Will we use any Church renovation funds to pay for the Convent?
No. The gifts received toward the Church renovation are separate and will not be used at all for the renovation work in the Convent. They will be used solely for the future Church renovation.

When will the Convent project be complete?
We are hoping for the work to be completed in June 2022. However, lingering supply chain and COVID issues may cause delays. As an interim step, our Faith Formation staff has moved their offices into the current Parish Center even while the renovation is ongoing. The former Faith Formation space will temporarily become meeting space for groups and ministries. This will allow us, even now, to combine some of our parish and staff resources into one location.

When will the priests move back into the original Rectory?
The priests and seminarians will move back to the original Rectory after the Convent renovations are complete and the parish staff has moved their offices into the Convent. Some work will need to be done in the Rectory to restore it to living quarters.

When will the residential house currently used as the rectory be sold?
We will sell the residential house once the priests and seminarians have moved back into the original Rectory building.

When will the Church renovation project begin?
We have begun preliminary work with the architect to define the scope of work and the main areas to be addressed in the church. I am looking forward to sharing updates and progress with you along the way so that you are aware of and involved in the design as it develops. We hope to begin the work in the summer of 2023, which is contingent on several factors, including funding. Thank you for your prayers for this project to beautify our church and give it an even greater sense of the sacred as we celebrate the Sacraments and meet the Lord in prayer.

 A Litany to St. John
St. John, who left all to follow Jesus, pray for us!
St. John, beloved disciple of Jesus, pray for us!
St. John, who witnessed the Transfiguration, pray for us!
St. John, who rested upon Jesus at the Last Supper, pray for us!
St. John, who beheld the Lord in his agony in the garden, pray for us!
St. John, who stood at the foot of the Cross, pray for us!
St. John, who received Mary as your own mother, pray for us!
St. John, who saw the empty tomb and believed, pray for us!
St. John, who beheld the Risen Lord, pray for us!
St. John, who was given heavenly visions, pray for us!
St. John, who proclaimed the Gospel to the world, pray for us!
St. John, the Evangelist, pray for us!


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