Exodus 90 for Men Starts Jan. 20

Men of St. John the Evangelist: Are you tired of returning to the same ‘modern Pharaohs’ over and over again — overconsumption of social media, numbing your problems with alcohol, pornography, or binge-watching TV? Our culture today has no shortage of Pharaohs and idols that hold us back from true unity with God. Exodus 90 offers you a way out. We start our 90-day journey on Jan. 20, 7p.m. in the Good Shepherd Room.

Exodus 90 gives you the tools to take control of your life and find deeper unity with God — and a brotherhood of men on the same path.

Read more about this spiritual exercise at https://exodus90.com/. If you are new to Exodus, download the app and contact A.J. Monaco (ajmonaco91@gmail.com) to join St. John’s Exodus 90 chat on the app, where further information will be passed. 

Individual fraternities are scheduled for:

Millersville: Tuesday, 8p.m.

St. John the Evangelist: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 8p.m. (three different groups)

Also – Exodus 90 sponsored Adoration & Holy Hour: second and fourth Wednesdays, in the Parish Activities Center, 7-9p.m.


March for Life – Sign-Up


Day of Recollection