Married Mentor Couples Needed

Are you and your spouse looking to get more involved in our parish? Would you share your faith-filled marriage with other couples preparing for the sacrament of marriage? We are not looking for perfect marriages; we are looking for REAL couples who can help mentor other couples. To qualify, you and your spouse have to be sacramentally married for at least five years and attend Mass regularly.

Join us for an introductory meeting for new mentor couples on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 7—8p.m. orientation, followed by wine and cheese social until 9p.m. In the Gathering Space Meeting Room.

Childcare provided.

Please contact Dcn. Mike Tiné at, or Judy Tacyn at to learn more about our Marriage and Convalidation prep opportunities.

RSVPs greatly appreciated, but not required.


Parish Mission with Fr. Chris Alar — Event is Sold Out


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