40 Days for Life
March 5 - April 13, 2025
40 Days for Life is an international coordinated campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach and a peaceful vigil in front of Planned Parenthood. There are abundant resources for Moms and their babies in a crisis pregnancy. Our parish will be praying on Saturdays (7-11a.m.) and Tuesdays (12-4p.m. ) - the day surgical abortions are performed. Thousands will be praying throughout the U.S. and 64 nations. Join us to pray for an hour. Contact Andrea Campbell for more information bacampbell109@gmail.com.
On Thursday, March 27, join St. John’s parishioners and others throughout the state for this annual March to stand up for the sanctity of life and against the threats of life, particularly those of physician-assisted-suicide and abortion, which is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy here in Maryland.
The March begins at St. Mary’s Church, 109 Gloucester St., Annapolis. A youth rally will be held prior to the March at 5p.m., followed by a non-denomination service in Marian Hall at 5:30p.m., with a Catholic Mass held at 5:30p.m. at St. Mary’s Church.
Afterwards, line up for the March at 6:30p.m., with March to begin at 6:45p.m. We will proceed to Lawyer’s Mall for the rally where we hear our keynote speaker, Kelly Lester from “And Then There Were None” and her difficult life story of rape, abortion, drug-dealing, abortion worker etc. and how God, through His mercy, brought her back through all this. She will be joined by several other speakers and some members of the General Assembly. Afterwards, we will head back to St. Mary’s for fellowship, view exhibit tables, and for free Chick-fil-A for those who register.
Learn more: https://www.mdmarchforlife.com/