Thank you for making great things happen!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am so grateful for all you made happen on our campus this past year!

Your generosity transformed the face of our parish as a barn became the vibrant new home for St. Vincent de Paul, an unused plot of grass became a new patio for fellowship and meetings, the former convent became our new parish office, and the original rectory has been restored to the home for our priests and seminarians. Thank you for making all this happen!

Please download the Stewardship Report and Appeal to see more of the great things you've made happen, a summary of where we ended this past fiscal year, and what we have in store for the future.

As we look ahead to a new year of ministry at St. John, I turn again to your generosity. Would you prayerfully consider stepping out in your Sunday giving this year to help us secure an even more vibrant future for our parish?

Our Sunday offertory is the primary source of support for our parish, and I am so grateful for your willingness to consider how you might take a step in your giving in the year ahead.

Please take a look at the chart below and see what step might be possible. And remember, you can always visit our online giving site to easily and securely make your Sunday gifts to our parish!

Through your generosity in our Sunday offertory, I look forward to strengthening our parish in the coming year. We are already at work on plans to make new investments in forming and equipping our parishioners to build up a Gospel culture at St. John so that our parish can become, even more, a parish after the heart of Christ. Please see the attached stewardship report to learn more!

Thank you for taking the time to read through my annual stewardship email. Please know how grateful I am for your support of our parish family and all you are doing to make St. John such a vibrant and Christ-centered parish. Thank you!

Please know of my continued prayers for you and your families, especially as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. May God bless you all!

Sincerely in Christ,




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