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Parish Prayer for Direction & Inspiration

  • St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 689 Ritchie Highway Severna Park, MD, 21146 United States (map)

It’s been a joy to see the number of young families continue to grow here at St. John. A burden on Fr. Erik’s heart is to ensure that, as a parish, we are helping our families to encounter Jesus in life-changing ways and move deeper into the life and beauty of our Catholic faith. When it comes to Faith Formation, our families are spread out between our parish school, our weekly Faith Formation sessions, the homeschool community, Catholic tutorial programs, and independent Catholic schools. We are blessed to have so many different opportunities available! Regardless of which is the best fit for each family’s needs, our parish is called by the Lord to help our parents and children encounter the love of Jesus through his Church.

To that end, Fr. Erik personally invites you to join him in prayer as we ask for the Lord’s direction and inspiration for how we can best assist our parents and families.

Fr. Erik will lead two prayer times to place all of this before the Lord: Sunday, Feb. 23, from 2:30—3:15p.m. and Friday, Feb. 28, from 7—7:45p.m.

Both times will take place in the church (Parish Activities Center). Please join us for one of these times if you are able! There is no agenda except to place this into the Lord’s hands and ask him to pour out his Holy Spirit upon our parish and give us guidance and inspiration as we seek to best serve our families and help them grow in the faith.

February 26

Lent With Purpose

March 1

That Man is You