Item Suggested Memorial Gift
Dome and Hand-Painted Mural $250,000
A shallow decorative dome will be installed above the main altar to bring a new
focus and emphasis to the sanctuary. The dome and its hand-painted mural will lift our eyes heavenward each time we gather to celebrate Mass. It will be one of the most central and visible elements of our renovation.
The hand-painted mural in the dome will depict St. John’s vision of heavenly worship, found in Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation. John sees Jesus, the victorious Lamb, who alone can accomplish the work of our Redemption, which is symbolized by his opening of the book containing God’s plan of salvation.
Surrounding the Lamb are St. John and the saints and angels in worship crying out in song: “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” (Revelation 5:12) The image, located directly above the main altar, will remind us that in every Mass we enter into the worship of Heaven through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Scripture verse from Revelation 5:12 will be painted into the interior of the dome molding, inviting us to share in their worship each time we participate in Mass.
Altar of Sacrifice $100,000
The altar is the focal point for the church sanctuary and the celebration of the Mass, occupying the most central position. The beautiful design of our new altar will match the new reredos behind it (see below). It will be handcrafted out of Botticino marble, truly worthy of the celebration of the Mass.
The altar will be inset with simple mosaics depicting the Cross and the Chi Rho. The Chi Rho is an ancient symbol formed from the Greek letters X (chi) and P (rho), the first two letters of the word “Christ” in Greek.
Above the mosaic insets, the altar will be inscribed in with a verse from the Prologue of the Gospel of John: And The Word Was Made Flesh (John 1:14) Here on the altar, at every Mass, the Word becomes flesh as Jesus changes bread and wine into his Body and Blood. This verse, one of the most beautiful and well-known from John’s Gospel, captures what happens at every Mass and complements the inscriptions found in the ambo and the tabernacle pedestal (see pg. 6)
The original altar stone from our current altar, containing the relics of an unknown saint, will be incorporated into the new altar, giving us a tangible connection with our parish history and the ancient practice of the Church to celebrate the Eucharist over the tombs of the martyrs. In the Book of Revelation 6:9, St. John says, “I saw beneath the altar the souls of all who had been slain for love of God’s word.”
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
Reredos Crucifixion Painting (Central Panel) $100,000
The reredos is a large altarpiece or decorative screen placed behind the altar in a church, often containing sacred art. The reredos visually anchors the sanctuary, bringing greater focus to the altar and tabernacle.
Through the medium of sacred painting, on three separate panels, our new reredos will bring to life the moving scene of Christ’s crucifixion from the Gospel of John:
“When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:26-27)
The central panel of the reredos will be the image of Christ crucified. This beautiful hand-painted image will focus our eyes on the great work of salvation: Jesus offering his life in sacrifice for us. The image of Christ on the Cross will sit behind the altar, visually reminding us that the sacrifice of the Mass offered on the altar is the same sacrifice and offering of Jesus on the Cross.
Renovated Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary $100,000
Our beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary will receive a newly renovated shrine to house it, remaining the focal point of our devotion to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
The statue of Our Lady will receive new prominence as it is placed atop a pedestal resting on a new marble altar, which will be crafted to echo the design of the new main altar. A three-panel reredos will be installed behind the statue to bring greater focus to the image as the faithful express their devotion to our Blessed Mother.
Continuing our theme of introducing Scripture verses drawn from our patron, St. John, a painted inscription above the reredos will declare the words of Jesus from the Gospel of John: “Behold Your Mother.” (John 19:27)
Shrine to the Sacred Heart of Jesus $100,000
A new shrine dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be constructed in the former baptismal font chapel. The apostle John is deeply connected to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The connection begins as John experiences the love of Jesus’ heart that made him “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” a phrase that occurs six times in John’s Gospel. Then, at the Last Supper, John rests against the heart of Jesus (John 13:23). And from his pierced heart, John tells us that blood and water flow out as the wellspring of new life given in the Sacraments (see John 19:33-35). This connects us
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
with the promise Jesus made earlier in the Gospel of John: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” (John 6:53) Thus, the Sacred Heart captures several great themes from the sacred writings of St. John: love, Divine Mercy, the gift of the Eucharist, and the Sacraments.
The deep connection between the Beloved Disciple and the Sacred Heart of Jesus also exists beyond the Gospel. On the feast of St. John the Evangelist, in 1673, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque received the first apparition of the Sacred Heart: “Once, being before the Blessed Sacrament and having a little more leisure than usual, I felt wholly filled with this Divine Presence. . . . He made me rest for a long time on His divine breast, where He discovered to me the wonders of His love and the inexplicable secrets of His Sacred Heart.”
Jesus revealed to St. Margaret Mary what John had already experienced: a heart on fire with love for all mankind, a heart that could no longer contain its burning love.
Our new shrine to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will capture the special relationship between St. John and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Atop a marble pedestal, a new custom-made hand-carved six-foot wooden statue of the Sacred Heart will invite all to draw near and receive the merciful love that flows from the heart of Jesus. The statue, fashioned in Italy, will receive a beautiful painted finish and delicate gold leaf to bring it to life.
A three-panel reredos (matching the reredos at the Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine) will serve as a backdrop to help bring greater focus to the new image and the shrine area. Painted above the reredos will be the words Jesus spoke to Margaret Mary as he revealed his Sacred Heart: “Behold The Heart That So Loves The World.”
Reredos Virgin Mary Painting (Left Panel) $75,000
Please see Reredos Crucifixion Painting (pg. 3) for a full description of the reredos panels.
The left panel of the reredos is a hand-painted image of the Blessed Virgin Mary standing in sorrow at the foot of the Cross, looking up at her Son. Jesus has just entrusted Mary to John, the Beloved Disciple, who is depicted in the right panel of the reredos.
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
Although physically separate from the panel depicting the Crucifixion, the panels form a whole through the consistent background, colors, and mood employed by the artist. Taken together, the panels bring to life John 19:26-27, a moving scene that is only found in the Gospel of John, our parish patron.
Reredos St. John Painting (Right Panel) $75,000
Please see Reredos Crucifixion Painting (pg. 3) for a full description of the reredos panels.
The right panel of the reredos is a hand-painted image of St. John, the Beloved Disciple, standing at the foot of the Cross, looking up at Jesus. Jesus has just entrusted Mary and John to one another as Mother and Son.
Although physically separate from the panel depicting the Crucifixion, the panels form a whole through the consistent background, colors, and mood employed by the artist. Taken together, the panels bring to life John 19:26-27, a moving scene that is only found in the Gospel of John, our parish patron.
Decorative Beam and Dome Hand Stenciling $60,000
One of the most visible changes coming to our church is the removal of the original black ceiling and the asbestos-containing materials found in the ceiling panels. In its place, a new coffered ceiling will be installed. Coffered ceilings are a classic architectural element consisting of beams forming rectangular or square-shaped grids with recessed panels. The beams and recessed panels provide a richer, more decorative design than just a flat ceiling.
In our design, we will add to the decorative nature of the ceiling by including beautiful hand-painted gold stenciling on the underside of all the beams, as well as the dome molding. An artist from Conrad Schmitt Studios, the firm responsible for all of the sacred paintings in our church renovation, will apply the gold stenciling by hand to all the beams and dome molding.
The blue-colored ceiling with stenciled crossbeams invites the eyes upward, bringing a heavenly element into the design that complements the new dome and the mural, whose image is taken from the Book of Revelation.
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
Ambo $50,000
The ambo is the noble place from which God’s Word is proclaimed at every Mass. The new ambo will be constructed out of Botticino marble to match the design of the new reredos and the altar of sacrifice. A simple inset mosaic Cross will adorn the center. The ambo will bear an inscription containing the opening verse of St. John’s Gospel: In The Beginning Was The Word (John 1:1). The inscription reminds us that God speaks to us even now at every Mass, and it connects us with the first inspired words written by our patron St. John.
Baptismal Font $50,000
A new marble baptismal font will be constructed, whose design will complement the new altar and ambo. Fashioned out of the same Botticino marble as the altar and ambo, the font will include an inscription from the first Letter of St. John that speaks of the great gift given in Baptism: “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” (1 John 3:1) The inscription will continue the theme found throughout our renovation of incorporating Scripture verses and images from the life and writings of St. John, to make his presence more visible and better known in our parish church.
While constructed of the noblest materials, the baptismal font will incorporate hidden castors that allow it to be placed in the center of the church for the celebration of baptisms or to rest off of the sanctuary in a visible and worthy location when not in use, perhaps even serving as our primary holy water font.
Marble Tabernacle Pedestal $50,000
and Refurbishment of Parish Tabernacle
The current tabernacle, so visible and central a part of our celebrations of Mass over the years, will be incorporated into the new renovation, resting under the new central image of Christ on the Cross.
The tabernacle needs refurbishment to restore the original luster and beauty of the metalwork and replace the locking mechanism, which has worn with age. The image on the face of the tabernacle is that of a pelican feeding its young. In the ancient world, the pelican was believed to pierce its breast with its beak and feed its young with its blood. It became a symbol of Christ sacrificing himself for us and of the gift of the Eucharist. Because of this, it was frequently represented in Christian art, as found in our tabernacle.
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
The refurbished tabernacle will be placed atop a new marble pedestal whose design will complement the new altar. The marble pedestal will be inscribed with a Latin verse from the Prologue of John’s Gospel that completes the inscriptions found on the new ambo and altar. On the ambo and altar, respectively, are the verses In The Beginning Was The Word / And The Word Was Made Flesh. And on the tabernacle pedestal will be inscribed And Dwelt Among Us (John 1:14). The inscription makes visible, through the writings of St. John, our belief in Jesus’ Real Presence, that he truly makes his dwelling among us and remains with us in the tabernacle in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.
Icon of St. John for Sacred Heart Shrine $25,000
Located in the new Sacred Heart Shrine will be a large icon of St. John the Evangelist gesturing toward the carved statue of Jesus and his Sacred Heart. The icon, depicting John with his inspired writings, will contain the verse: “These things have been written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)
The icon will make the deep connection between St. John and the Sacred Heart of Jesus visible and enrich the new devotional space we create in the shrine area.
New Decorative Medallions $25,000 / per medallion
in the Sanctuary Terrazzo Flooring
3 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts:
Central Transept, Blessed Virgin Mary Transept, and Sacred Heart Transept
Our renovated sanctuary will feature new inlaid terrazzo flooring around the perimeter of the altar platform. The new decorative terrazzo will help visually define the sanctuary area and enrich it through the addition of three ornamental medallions, one placed at the head of each transept and aisle. The decorative crosses in each medallion will carry forward the design found in the new altar and ambo, which bear similar decorative crosses on their frontals.
By introducing sacred ornamental design even into the church's flooring, we are continuing the ancient practice of making the entire church beautiful, declaring that everything, even the flooring, is worthy of the One we worship.
Celebrant’s (Priest) Chair $15,000
Designed and handcrafted by the same artisans who are designing and crafting the altar, ambo, and tabernacle pedestal, the new celebrant’s chair will complement and complete the look of the new sanctuary. The celebrant’s chair and deacon chairs (see
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
pg. 9) will be placed in the same area where they are currently located, to the right of the altar and tabernacle, as you face the sanctuary from the center aisle.
New Processional Crucifix $10,000
Visibly central to each celebration of the Mass is the Cross carried in procession, adorned with the figure of Christ crucified. The Church requires that such a processional Crucifix be used in each celebration of the Mass to remind the faithful that they are participating in the sacrifice of Christ himself at every Mass.
Our current processional Crucifix has been damaged and repaired multiple times over the years and needs replacement.
The new processional Crucifix is crafted in Spain in a classic style of the finest brass. The body of Christ crucified is mounted on the Cross and surrounded with hand-engraved ornamentation depicting the symbols of the Lord’s Passion.
Deacon Chairs $7,500 / per chair
2 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
Two new handcrafted Deacon Chairs will complement the new Celebrant’s Chair (see above.) Placed on either side of the celebrant’s chair, these chairs will be used by deacons or concelebrating priests who take part in our Masses and special celebrations at St. John. Designed to complement the altar, ambo, and tabernacle pedestal, the new chairs will help to complete the look of the newly renovated sanctuary.
Antique Stations of the Cross $5,000 / per station
14 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
Rescued from a church that closed in Pennsylvania, we will incorporate a set of antique Stations of the Cross into our renovation here at St. John. They are incredibly detailed works of art, composed of oil paintings on tin in ornate wooden frames. The stations are antique and bear some imperfections but fit beautifully into the design of our church renovation. Each station measures approximately 40” high by 38” wide, while the oil-on-tin artwork within measures about 21” high by 32” wide. The stations are marked by Roman numerals set at the base of a cross, which adorns the top of each station, while a traditional description in English is painted on the lower portion of the wooden frame.
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
The antique Stations of the Cross will be placed on the large brick fields where our current Stations reside. We have deliberately chosen painted Stations of the Cross to carry the medium of sacred painting throughout the church. From the new dome mural to the reredos panels and now to the Stations of the Cross, we have chosen a consistent medium for the sacred art that will adorn our renovated church. This provides visual continuity, helping to pull the entire experience together for the faithful who come to pray and worship in our church.
14 opportunities for memorials are available, one for each station:
I Station of the Cross: Jesus is Condemned to Death
II Station of the Cross: Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
III Station of the Cross: Jesus Falls the First Time Under His Cross
IV Station of the Cross: Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
V Station of the Cross: The Cyrenian Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross
VI Station of the Cross: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
VII Station of the Cross: Jesus Falls the Second Time
VIII Station of the Cross: Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem
IX Station of the Cross: Jesus Falls the Third Time
X Station of the Cross: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
XI Station of the Cross: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
XII Station of the Cross: Jesus Dies on the Cross
XIII Station of the Cross: Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
XIV Station of the Cross: Jesus is Placed in the Sepulchre
New Credence Tables $5,000 / per table
2 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
The credence tables are a decorative and functional element essential to every celebration of the Mass. Located on the right and left rear sides, near the altar server chairs (see below), the credence tables hold all of the various sacred items necessary for the celebration of the Mass (the chalice and paten, ciboria, cruets, missals, etc.)
While they serve a functional purpose in the Mass, these solid wood, handcrafted tables are also meant to reflect and contribute to the overall beauty of our new sanctuary.
New Prie Dieu Kneelers $5,000 / Prie Dieu
4 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
From the old French phrase meaning “Pray to God,” the Prie Dieu is a traditional liturgical furnishing found in Catholic churches that allows the faithful to kneel in prayer before the Lord or as they seek the intercession of the Saints.
Our new solid wood, handcrafted kneelers will be designed and built by the same artisans creating the altar, ambo, and other liturgical furnishings.
The new kneelers will be placed for the faithful at the renovated Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the new Shrine of the Sacred Heart.
New Solid Wood Pews $5,000 / pew
77 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
Designed and crafted by New Holland, one of the finest names in custom wood church furnishings, our new pews will be made of solid red oak and feature a curved lumbar support back with a solid oak contoured seat.
The new pews will be spaced more comfortably, allowing easier access in and out of the pew and more comfortable kneeling, especially for taller parishioners. The pews feature a custom pew end whose design complements the overall design of the renovation and New Holland’s “ultra-quiet kneelers,” including 6” wide kneeling pads.
New Votive Candle Racks for Sacred Heart Shrine $5,000 / candle rack
2 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
The lighting of a votive candle is one of the most iconic and heartfelt forms of Catholic prayer. For centuries, we have entrusted our petitions to the Lord through the intercession of the saints and have left our prayers before the Lord in the form of a candle whose flame continues to burn on our behalf. Although we cannot personally remain in prayer for hours or days at a time, the votive candle is a living sign of our desire to keep our special prayers constantly before the Lord.
Two new votive candle racks will be placed in our new Shrine of the Sacred Heart, allowing the faithful to entrust their prayers and petitions to the Lord through the outward sign and symbol of the votive candle.
Fair Linens for the Altar of Sacrifice $4,000 / linen
3 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
The altar cloth, also known as the fair linen, lies at the heart of the Christian liturgy. Its beginning goes back centuries to its origin in the Gospels when Joseph of Arimathea provided a “new clean linen” (Matt. 27:59) for the burial shroud of the crucified Savior. The fair linen is a continuation of this tradition and is usually
Item Suggested Memorial Gift
embroidered with five crosses for the five wounds of Christ, one in each corner and another in the center. The altar cloth serves as the foundation of the dressed altar
and is designed to fit the altar top exactly with a decorative drape of 18” on the left and right sides of the altar.
Three new altar linens will be custom-made by the Trappist monks of St. Joseph Abbey (Spencer, Massachusetts), their primary means of sustaining their monastery.
New Offertory (Gift) Table $3,000
The offertory, or gift table, holds the bread and wine to be carried forward in procession during the celebration of the Mass.
The Church instructs us: “At the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the gifts which will become Christ’s Body and Blood are brought to the altar… It is a praiseworthy practice for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful. Even though the faithful no longer bring from their own possessions the bread and wine intended for the liturgy, as was once the case, nevertheless the rite of carrying up the offerings still keeps its spiritual efficacy and significance.”
Our solid wood handcrafted table will serve this special role with a design that complements the other new liturgical furnishings introduced with our church renovation.
Altar Server/Concelebrant Chairs $2,500 /chair
10 Opportunities for Memorial Gifts
We are blessed to have an active altar server and high school sacristan ministry here at St. John, and seminarians who regularly serve at our parish. To accommodate the many servers and sacristans we have, especially on Holy Days and Feasts, we are commissioning ten new altar server chairs, which can also serve as seating for concelebrating priests on special occasions such as Confirmations or Masses with the bishop.
These solid wood handcrafted chairs are designed to complement the new presider and deacon chairs, as well as the other new liturgical furnishings, and thus help to complete the look of the newly renovated sanctuary.