Reception of a Candidate into the Catholic Church Who Has Been Baptized in Another Christian Tradition Candidate's Name * First Name Last Name Candidate's Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Candidate's Date & Place of Birth * Gender of Candidate * Male Female Candidate's Date of Baptism * **Please Provide a Copy of Original Baptismal Certificate If Possible** Candidate's Church of Baptism * Father's Full Name * First Name Last Name Father's Religion * Mother's Full Maiden Name * Mother's Religion * Parents' Email * Parents' Phone# * (###) ### #### Parents' Date & Place of Marriage * Full Name of Confirmation Sponsor Sponsor's Email Sponsor's Phone# (###) ### #### Are you registered parishioners of St. John? * Yes No If not, would you like to receive registration materials? Yes No For Church Use Only: Date of Reception into Catholic Church: __________________________________ Priest: ___________________________________________________________ Recorded in Official Church Book: _______________________________________ Thank you!