Pardon our Dust

Our St. John the Evangelist church renovation has begun! This page has been created to help keep you informed on the latest news and updates on the renovation progress. Check back often and if you have any questions along our journey to our new worship space, please contact us at

Who Moved My Church?

Wondering where to go to find our meeting or gathering in the midst of our dust and rearrangements? Click the button to find a campus map to get you where you need to go.

Renovation Updates from St. John the Evangelist:

Steady Progress in the First Phase of Our Renovation (Sept. 18, 2024) Flocknote

A Martyr Buried in Our Altar? (Sept. 15, 2024) Flocknote

Going to Confession in the Parish Activities Center (Sept. 14, 2024) Video

Renovation Update (Sept. 11, 2024) Flocknote

Signup for Parish Emails

If you are not receiving our regular St. John the Evangelist parish Flocknote emails, signup is easy, right from the home page of our website. Click the St. John the Evangelist logo in the upper left corner of this page to be taken to our home page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see Signup to Receive Parish Emails and Newsletters. Add your name and email address, hit “Sign Me Up” and you’re all set.

Make a Renovation Gift

As with any renovation or remodeling project, unexpected costs are expected. Your donations are very appreciated. Also, there are still pledge or sponsorship opportunities available, which can be re-occurring or one-time gifts, pledges or memorials. Please click the button below to see how you can support our renovation. Gifts large and small all add to a beautiful new worship space, and we appreciate each and every gift and donor. God Bless, You!