“Baptism in the Spirit is a life-transforming experience of the love of God the Father, received through surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and poured into one’s heart by the Holy Spirit. It brings alive sacramental Baptism and Confirmation, deepens communion with God and with fellow Christians, enkindles evangelistic fervor, and equips a person with charisms for service and mission.”
Friday, May 10 - Theme: “Baptism in the Spirit” (+ Intro to Novena); Fr. Erik preaching + Adoration)
Saturday, May 11 - Theme: “Is a life-transforming experience of the love of God the Father”; Fr. Maurice
Sunday, May 12 - Theme: “Received through a surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ”; Fr. Jeremy
Monday, May 13 - Theme: “Poured into one’s heart by the Holy Spirit”; Adam (Teaching) / Fr. Erik (Adoration)
Tuesday, May 14 - Theme: “It brings alive sacramental Baptism and Confirmation”; Sem. Connor (Teaching), Fr. Erik (Adoration)
Wednesday, May 15 - Theme: “Deepens communion with God and with fellow Christians”; Deacon Mike (Teaching + Adoration)
Thursday, May 16 - Theme: “Enkindles evangelistic fervor”; Adam (Teaching) / Fr. Erik (Adoration)
Friday, May 17 - Theme: “And equips a person with charisms for service and mission.” + FOP; Deacon Mike (Teaching) / Fr. Erik (Adoration)
Saturday, May 18 - Extended Pentecost Vigil Mass; Fr. Erik + concelebrants