Frequently Asked Questions
Eucharistic Adoration
A weekly Adorer is someone who has committed to pray in the Oratory with the Blessed Sacrament at the same hour and same day each week during the parish's time of Eucharistic Adoration. For example, a weekly Adorer may make a commitment to pray every Friday afternoon from 2— 3p.m. Two Adorers are needed for each hour the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in Eucharistic Adoration. Adorers sign in at the parish adoration page or at our parish AdorationPro page with their phone (if possible) each week and are expected to request a substitute beforehand at our parish AdorationPro page when they are unable to fulfill their position.
There must be two Adorers for every hour. The guidelines from the Bishops state: “Every effort should be made to ensure that there should be at least two people present. There must absolutely never be periods when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, and there is no one present for adoration."
The Church requires two Adorers to ensure that the Blessed Sacrament receives the proper reverence and care that the Sacrament demands. Because it really is Jesus, the Church wants to make sure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left unattended during Eucharistic Adoration. Having two Adorers serves as a safety in case one Adorer is running late. Having two Adorers also provides a level of security and peace for those who have come to pray, knowing that there is always someone else present.
No, you do not have to be a parishioner at St. John the Evangelist in order to be a weekly Adorer here. In fact, we would love for parishioners at other parishes to serve as Adorers here so that we can make more hours of Adoration available.
Click here for instructions.
You can request a substitute in a simple and easy way through Adoration Pro. All officially scheduled Adorers will be enrolled in the system, which will send you reminders of your scheduled prayer time, as well as make it easy for you to request a substitute if you cannot make your regularly scheduled hour due to travel, illness, etc.
Thursday evening through Saturday morning, Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Oratory.
A door passcode is needed in order to visit the church after-hours between 9p.m. – 7a.m.
To request the current passcode, please submit a request through our online form on our main Adore page here. Please note: the passcode changes regularly and will be emailed to all registered Adorers.
Between 9p.m. and 7a.m., ONLY the Gathering Space is open for visits to Jesus in the Oratory after hours. You may use the door code located by the left-hand set of doors to the Gathering Space and enter. The main church will not be accessible at these times. The main church is roped off and an alarm is set. Bathrooms will be open.
NOTE: Adorers or those praying after hours will NOT allow people into the church who do not have a door code. Adorers must NOT respond to knocks at the door. Please do not share the pass code at any time, even with parishioners. The parish needs to know who has access to the Gathering Space.
During regular daytime and early evening hours from 7a.m – 9p.m., the church is open and accessible for anyone to come and pray, including the scheduled Adorers, so no key or passcode is necessary during those hours.
Yes. The Gathering Space restrooms are available.
Your style and method of prayer depend on you and your own relationship with the Lord. Each person prays in their own way before the Lord. However, there are some basic elements that every Holy Hour has in common. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has provided basic teachings on prayer and meditation as well as sample holy hours available to help you find the best way to connect more deeply with Jesus in your time of prayer.
A "Holy Hour" is an hour of prayer spent before the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
There are many different ways of praying during a holy hour. Here are some examples:
How To Make A Holy Hour - Word on Fire
A Minute-by-Minute Guide to Making a Holy Hour