40 Days for Life Campaign

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.

View activities in Annapolis, Md., March 2 - April 10, 2022:

40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign—March 2 – April 10
Join St. John the Evangelist parishioners and other local area churches in peacefully praying every day, during the 40 Days for Life Campaign, from 7a.m. – 7p.m. at Planned Parenthood, 929 West St., Annapolis. Since 2007, through God’s grace and 40 Days for Life prayer and fasting campaign, 20,728 babies have been saved, 114 abortion centers closed, and 229 abortion workers are converted. Our parish is committed to praying at Planned Parenthood every Friday, 9a.m.—1p.m., and Saturday, 7a.m.—1p.m. from Friday, March 4 through Saturday, April 9. Please signup to commit to one hour of pray weekly for six weeks. For further information visit 40daysforlife.com or contact Alice Harris at amharris79@gmail.com.

Annapolis Cross Walk & Eucharistic Procession
Join us as we pray and carry 63 crosses from Planned Parenthood to Westgate Circle and back - each cross represents one million babies lost to abortion since the tragic Roe v. Wade decision. Bishop Joseph Coffey will lead our Eucharistic Procession. To take part in the Cross Walk:

Join us to remember and honor those babies lost to abortion.

Oppose HB1171—Declaration of Rights, Right to Reproductive Liberty
This bill was introduced into The Maryland House to create a state Constitutional right to fully funded abortion on demand. By making abortion a “fundamental right,” Maryland taxpayers will be forced to pay for all abortions. This Amendment also would compel physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to participate in abortion in violation of their rights of conscience and free exercise of religion. Also, this will infringe on the Freedom of Speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, by baring all future attempts to pass lifesaving legislation, such as partial birth abortion or dismemberment bans. Please contact your legislators as soon as possible. This is not yet a reality and we cannot let it become one. Go to Maryland Right to Life at mdrtl.org and click on Take Action.


Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries 2022


The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi