Unbound Prayer Ministry Summer Book Study

Unbound Prayer Ministry is pleased to invite you to a book study on “Abba’s Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father’s Delight.” by Neal Lozano. Thursday, June 8, through Tuesday, July 18. Register here.

“Wherever you are in your story, as you turn to the Father, know that he is running toward you,” says Lozano in his book. Several of our parishioners have already been blessed by this book. We hope you will join us.

Several small groups and times will be offered. Please complete the form below and select the small group you would like to join.

You will need to purchase the book at either Amazon.com or heartofthefather.com. A study guide is also available at heartofthefather.com. Abba's Heart Study Pack which includes both the book and the study guide is available for $18.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Becky Gonzalez at beckysgonza@gmail.com or Sue Hoban at sueblairhoban@comcast.net.


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