Christ in the Psalms
The Psalms hold a beloved and special place in the life of the Church. It is the only book of the Bible that is read at every Mass! The responsorial psalm is the only Scripture reading of the Mass that the congregation recites together with the lector, cantor, or priest. The Book of Psalms is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament. Join us to learn more!
New Altar Server Training
Attention parents and all boys and girls fifth grade and older – Join us for Altar Server Training this fall.
St. John the Evangelist Athletic Association invites you to Oktoberfest, Oct. 11, 6:30 - 9:30p.m. Join us as we celebrate with Biergarten and Oktoberfest games! Tickets are $35 and include beer, wine, sodas and water, snacks and lots of fun! Purchase tickets here...
What’s at Stake in Maryland this Election
Join the 1 million Catholic Marylanders and VOTE this election cycle. The Maryland Catholic Conference has outlined the issues (education & youth justice, respect for life, social & economic justice) and shared bishops statements on topics of great importance for Catholics. Learn more about the amendments on the ballot.
Becoming Catholic
Whether you want to ask more questions about the Catholic Church or are ready to be received into the fullness of the Faith, we are here to help you explore Catholicism. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program starts this October and meets weekly on Mondays. Questions? Contact Fr. Jeremy or Judy Tacyn at
Walking With Purpose Connect Coffee
All women are invited to join us for our OPENING CONNECT COFFEE on Wednesday, Oct. 2. We will enjoy a finger food brunch and time to socialize. Registered women will meet their new leaders and receive books. All women will enjoy small group time and discussion.