St. John the Evangelist

Our Mission
To form disciples of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out the Gospel.
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In Holy Communion, we receive Jesus Christ, who gives himself to us in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. This intimate union with Christ signifies and strengthens our union with Him and His Body, the Church. Here are helpful reminders as you prepare to receive.
Please join us this Lent as our parish family enters into this ancient time of preparation for Easter. See schedule and Lenten resources.
VBS True North – Trusting Jesus in a Wild World is coming to St. John the Evangelist, June 23 - 27, 2025, 9:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. We are looking for a VBS Coordinator, and we also need adult and youth volunteers. Please contact Ruth Gorski at for more information.
Hope is amazing. It gives us the power to keep going, even in the greatest struggles and trials. When hope burns within us, we find strength and purpose to carry on, no matter what we face. The one who has hope lives differently. But what are the reasons for our hope? What truths do we hold onto that give us strength and purpose in our struggles?
Catholic Daughters at St. John will be collecting for a “Baby Shower” to benefit Mary’s Center at all the Masses on the weekend of April 5 & 6. Click here for a full list of most needed items.
Join us March 30 at 2p.m., for a moving presentation by Bill Wingard, a renowned Shroud of Turin expert and founder of “Shroud Talks.” A replica of the shroud will be displayed at St. John the Evangelist, Severna Park, in the Parish Activities Center.
Join us for peaceful prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood on Saturdays 7-11a.m. and Tuesdays 12-4p.m. Please consider praying for an hour during the campaign.
Our St. John the Evangelist Church renovation is well underway! Stay informed on the latest news and updates on the renovation progress.
Remember your loved one(s) with a gift to our Easter Flower Memorials fund. Your offering will help to beautify our Parish Activities Center on Easter Sunday and into the jubilant season of Easter, celebrating the resurrection of our Lord.
Following Christ is the next step for all those who have completed the Alpha or Discovering Christ courses at St. John. Building on what we experienced in the first course, Following Christ will help you grow in your daily relationship with Jesus. If you have not yet taken Following Christ, we invite you to sign up today! Course starts March 6 on Thursday evenings. Check out for more information and to register.
At the beginning of each Following Christ course, we provide a time for fellowship over dessert. Help others grow in their relationship with Christ in a personal way by volunteering to provide a sweet treat for the participants. Either store-bought or homemade would be great. Sign up here.
Upcoming Events
Join us Friday, March 21, following Stations of the Cross for our monthly Evening of Worship beginning at 7:40p.m. In the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, we have the opportunity to draw near to Jesus in prayer, praise and worship. All are welcome.
Join us at Ledo Pizza anytime to enjoy delicious food and Catholic Daughters will receive 20%. Dine in, carryout or online (use code: fundraiser). Just remember to tell your server or cashier that St. John’s Catholic Daughters sent you.
Join St. John’s parishioners and others throughout the state for this annual March to stand up for the sanctity of life and against the threats of life, particularly those of physician-assisted-suicide and abortion, which is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy here in Maryland.
Join us for a moving presentation by Bill Wingard, a renowned Shroud of Turin expert and founder of “Shroud Talks.” A replica of the shroud will be displayed.
Couples married this month are invited to receive a special anniversary blessing during Daily Mass at 8:30a.m. followed by a reception sponsored by our Joy in the Spirit ministry group.
Catholic Daughters at St. John’s will be collecting for a “Baby Shower” to benefit Mary’s Center. Click here for a list of the items in greatest need.
Come enjoy fellowship with your St. John community and a tasty donut, as well! After all the morning Masses. Monthly Children’s Masses with special children’s homilies during the 9a.m. & 11a.m. Masses.
Normal Mass times for Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 12, 5:15p.m.
Sunday, April 13, 7:30a.m., 9a.m., 11a.m., 5:15p.m.
Holy Thursday Morning Prayer (Daily Mass is not celebrated on Holy Thursday.)
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Eucharistic Procession in the PAC.
Join us Good Friday for Living Stations. If you would like to participate, please contact Jeannette Middleton-Sudano at
Service of the Lord’s Passion and Veneration of the Cross, 3p.m. in the PAC.
Bring your basket, invite your friends & neighbors.
Open to children 10 and under.
Special appearance by the Easter Bunny!

Join us for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Haven't been to confession in a long time? Don't worry; check out these helpful resources.